Wednesday, May 12, 2010

10 things Noynoy Aquino should do in first 100 days in office

Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III will occupy the highest post in the Philippines on June 2010. Being the chief executive, Aquino has to decide on major issues relevant to the country - its economy, public governance, state of affairs, health, education and security.
His predecessor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has led the country turbulently. She hurdled through many predicaments implicating her and her husband Mike Arroyo. Such predicaments were spawned by the scrapped NBN-ZTE broadband deal, fertilizer scam, and hello Garci which were believed to be beneficial to the Arroyos. The Philippine government, on the other hand, had to make do with episodes of allegations and controversies courtesy by the chief executive. Ordinary Filipinos, on the other hand also, had to make do with political fires virtually braving through dismal public service. Many upright citizens were disappointed for the entire term Arroyo has led.
Aquino, on his shoulders, were the legacy of his both parents and the credible mandate of the 90 million strong Filipinos. Before, rivals of the front-runner Aquino constantly claimed him as a know-nothing and had even managed to fabricate documents citing his mental condition. Now, Aquino has to disprove all the claims. Indeed, our country needs a president who can intelligently lead us away from mediocrity and into a first-world status long awaited.
On his first 100 days, Aquino, with all the fresh confidence of the private and public sector, can manage his executive post with cooperation; it is only up to him to take the lead in doing the reforms and other reforms he promised.
Demand the judiciary to prosecute the predecessor and the Ampatuans. The former for graft and corruption and the latter for a savage massacre of 57 rival supporters, relatives and including 30 members of the press. The oppressed Aquino during Marcos regime has also the opportunity to give justice to his fellow oppressed Filipino and to recover the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses. Their human rights violation must also be brought to court.
Facilitate the land distribution of Hacienda Luisita. Since the time of late former president Cory Aquino, the Hacienda Luisita is yet to be distributed to the sugar cane farmers who tilled the land. However a member of Cojuangco’s has signified its reluctance to distribute the land, citing considerations of its productivity. Aquino, therefore, has to seek the opportunity to turn things better for the farmers and to show that he can keep promises.
Scrap the pork barrel. Luminaries had cited the pork barrel as behind the rampant corruption of Congress and Senate representatives. To scrap it would significantly minimize corruption. If not, then Aquino has to review the system of pork barrel or to reduce its discretion.
Review the revenue and tax collection. There are no more better ways to invigorate the influx of revenue than to efficiently collect it is the ironic case in the Philippines where local offices of Bureau of Internal Revenue is known to collude with businesses. Related bureaus together with the BIR must also undergo a no-nonsense policy reform altogether under the Department of Finance and other related departments.
Ease power crisis. It is an encumbrance to every government if it fails to continuously provide electricity in a digital age. Clean source of energy must then be pinpointed and exploited for the good of the economy and the country as a whole.
Improve the education sector. A nation with majority of ignorant citizens can never move forward; a nation with majority of idealist and learned can. Upgrade the salary of teachers, build more classrooms consummate to the number actually needed, build libraries in all towns and museums in all provinces are the things most needed to sophisticatedly educate every child.
Upgrade health services. Hospitals must be equipped with up-to-date medical equipments needed to detect and cure illnesses and with medical personnel knowledgeable enough in his or her specific expertise. The access to hospitals and medications must also be provided democratically among indigents and the needy.
Address climate change head-on. This can be done by minimizing carbon footprints in very individual by formulating allowable footprints in all households, automobiles and workplaces. Promote responsible logging and mines extraction with reforestation and environmental compliance requirements in all logging and extraction activities. Ensure that the locality must directly and primarily be the benefactor of such activities
Quell insurgencies. All outlaws must be dealt with accordingly. Bandits criminally identified must be pursued at all cost. However, legal options must initially be opted in and by the armed forces. Intelligence must also be well-funded and well-equipped with high-end technology.
Ensure Food Security. Improve more the farm to market roads. Continue subsidizing farm goods, inputs, etc. Formulate pricing scheme in such a way that farmers will be encouraged to farm, and businesses to start venturing in the agriculture sector. Review entirely the archipelago and vast lands in order to come up with a plan to utilize its agricultural potentials.
It is his time to prove his worth after his term to show to his detractors that indeed the Aquino brand of public service is the most righteous and now, the most effective brand of public service – the most exemplary and so different from the brand Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has shown to the people.
The better time to start these is in his first days in office. His cabinet members who are also holding department executive post must also take his marching orders seriously for the Filipino people.

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