Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Personal Classroom Management Style: A Plan on How to Improve and Manage Your Classroom
Anticipation and being aware of the situation at hand are the first and foremost thing to do as the teacher prepares himself. Well-written lesson plans are not enough to handle the class situation smoothly. Well-taught lessons are not the guarantee for students to become “learned, well mannered and faithful.” More to that, a teacher who can handle fully well the classroom towards a humane environment can foster a growth development for the students to be so.
Anticipation and being aware of the situation entails a teacher to build his own personal classroom management style. Next, as he sees it fit, this style must be upheld into, since after all, we have to plan our work and to work our plan, diligently.
Corporal or spiritual discipline?
Scientific inquiry and journalistic probing abound the issue of discipline. The dawning of moderate classroom disciplinary procedures brought by the Juvenile Act presents in itself a flaw. Witness how children nowadays neglect their duties, worst they lodge protests to parents and even cast rebellion to authorities. They even commit crime and trumpet it, since after all they are protected by the law and social welfare.
However, corporal punishment, as a way to counter these moral quandaries, is like injecting more violence in already violent peccadilloes.
To show dignity and respect in his own self, the teacher has to plan ways on how to deal situations like this gracefully even how pressured he is. If successful, the teacher who was able to handle untoward situations harmoniously can be viewed as a matured moral agent. The best example of which was the late President Cory Aquino and Pope John Paul II. The former was made known of her kindness and compassion shown under her administration which was riddled with nine coup attempts authored by savage cronies of the late dictator. Indeed her yellow regime is the antithesis of the red. The latter after he was almost assassinated in St Peter Square by a Turkish citizen immediately had forgiven the suspect and even personally given the Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation. The supposed suspect was later freed.
This must be the kind of discipline which we must emulate. Ultimately this is the kind of discipline we have to strive harder to attain.
Cleanliness, orderliness, organization
A clean environment rewards a healthy living; order, a peace of mind; and, organization, a sense of sustainability. The teacher, if he wishes to have a situation where there’s no place for chaos, sickness and turmoil, must provide a sense of cleanliness, orderliness, and organization. Otherwise he eventually kills opportunities of learning; and we do not wish this to happen inside the classroom. The thing is how we can provide a classroom that is conducive for teaching in a cramped classroom setting due to the small size of the room and the huge population congesting in it. Ironically, we expect much in the education while the government is investing less – the sad state of education in our country.
The teacher then has to be innovative; good thing is we are known to be so. In our part, we must let the students understand the situation and then we have to imbibe to them the value of cleanliness, orderliness and organization. That despite of being filthy, we have to be clean; that despite of chaos, we have to be serene; that despite of turmoil we have to be graceful. It is the virtue we must plan to attain in our own selves and to share to our students.
Seat plan: a way to avoid trouble
One way to uphold cleanliness, orderliness and organization
is to have a well-planned seating arrangement that will accommodate students of all heights, sights and rights.
Fashion a way that will allow taller students to sit at the back while shorter ones at the front. Students with visual impairments not more than simple near-sightedness or blurredness must be allowed to sit near the board. Important as well, is their desire to be seated maybe at the front to listen very well to the instruction, or near the window just in case your classroom is not well-ventilated or maybe far from the toilet to avoid odorous discharges from it. This is also the best way to avoid exchanging/copying answers during examination and for bullies not to take advantage of their well-mannered seatmates.
Interpersonal relations
Effective teachers know well how to handle societal demands of simple chit-chat, of refusing temptations of liquor or eavesdropping and avoiding gossip which are in nature unhealthy.
However, to balance between interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship is difficult. Sure, building rapport to students, colleagues and superiors is necessary, but have you tamed your inner you? Or have you built a relationship with the Lord? We have to consider this.
One way is to forge an environment which tolerates healthy relationship that fosters sense of humor and genuineness to each other. An environment which tolerates gossiping and crab mentality is built in sand, that whenever a storm passes through, the foundation will easily give way. A relationship founded in God is built in bedrock.
Presenting and preparing the lesson
The basic role of a teacher is to teach the lesson and he must teach it correctly. Other roles can be secondary but to teach the lesson is the primary objective that whenever he fails to do it, he failed miserably and would better pack his things instead to apply for other jobs for the good of his students
The knowledge being shared by the teacher is as important as how he exploit it for his students to see and hear. Thus an instructional material is a must for all teachers who wished to provide an effective learning environment. This could be done by earnestly aspiring to do all things necessary be it in a selfless way just to achieve the desired goal. Provide an IM and make sure that what is written in it is error-free since it is prepared nights before the presentation. And groom yourself!
The best way to teach the lesson is by speech and bodily gestures which are not irritating but meaningful. One thing the teacher must plan is to proximate his voice in such a way that it will be clearly heard by all of his students only inside the classroom, not anymore the adjacent room! Further, gestures, which shows emphasis, not shudders nor causes nuisance, had to be shown to prove the point like in the case of science lessons.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension (A Critical Analysis)
Recently, the idea of short term memory metamorphosed as working memory. It is the memory where there is no data which lingers on a long period. Repeatedly studied is the ability on how to keep these data in the short term-memory to stay on like memories on a long term, thus the dawning of mnemonics and laboratory experiments concerning neurological and cognitive process.
However, it lends only minimal impact to sentence comprehension since it is only suited to retain single numerical sets of data or even sets of vocabulary or expressions, and not comprehensions which is innately complex.
Verbal working memory poses a great disadvantage to individuals who are poor in this skill. In sentence comprehension, same individuals are doubly underprivileged since after all what is their comprehension for if it lapses out of their memory quickly? People who have poor attention, who are poor in retention and are mentally retarded are the exact attributes of these challenges.
Psychological researches which aim to delve in this topic had a number of framed significant findings. One of which is a psychological architecture for human working memory. It actually came up with two components: articulatory loop and the visual-spatial scratch pad. These two are indispensable in any working environment, that it serves a functionary role: whenever a central executive needs a repository of information for instances such as an overload.
We also have many specific models where we can frame cognitive solutions to the problem. It is then where cognitive processes set in.
The study presented by David Caplan and Gloria Waters entitled the “Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Completion” offered insightful mental processes. One of which is the sentence comprehension and “working memory”. In here, knowledge workers are actually at the losing point, should they found it difficult to communicate and to receive information interwoven in complex syntactic structure of sentences. It is impossible for them to overcome knowledge tasks effectively. This is due to the poor background in sentence structures. Not to discount is the capacity to retain such already complex sentence which has, for example, multiple and individual units.
While the latter lies in the interpretive aspect of complex sentences, the second, which is the sentence comprehension and working memory capacity in “normal subject,” encompasses a plethora of verbal tasks. There is this notion that an anatomy of parts can serve specializations necessary to different verbal tasks and it is in this study where it is contented.
There are two “basic approaches” which are: to determine the relationship of individual differences and to investigate the pattern of mutual interference. It is in these two outlined basic approaches that single resource (SR) and separate sentence interpretation resource (SSIR) were framed. These two resources however provided no clear-cut comparison, contrast and definition with regards to the two basic approaches.
In this discipline there are four internal and mental processing namely individual differences in Speed and Accuracy of Syntactic Processing, wherein it embarked on the problem of the individual to process sentence comprehension and working memory remedied by word-by-word reading, self-paced reading and other reading devices or techniques; the Effects of an External Memory Load on Speed and Accuracy of Syntactic Processing, wherein it emphasize setbacks encountered in loading memory consummate to a system overload; Effect of the Combination of External Memory Load and Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity on Speed and Accuracy of Syntactic Processing, wherein it pose challenges to more complex yet larger sentences that are already fed up by the size of load; and Some Considerations herein, such as ethical and mechanical considerations of the study and of the practice.
There is also the reduced working memory capacity which can be associated to patients with memory loss and impairments rather than with comprehension road blocks. Types of which are those with short term memory disorders, limitations in the central executive and with reduced resources for syntactic processing. Matters concerning short term auditory verbal memory impairments are associated to working memory disorder. Matters, then which are concerning psycho-physiological illnesses, the best example of which is that of Alzheimer’s, is a limitation in the central executive. And those with impairment in syntactic processing in sentence comprehension, the best example of which is the uncommon ailment Aphasia, are all about the reduced resources for syntactic processing.
There is also the fractionating verbal working memory. It is where it is initially remarked the reduction in the capacity of the verbal working memory. And it pointed out that working memory system involved in sentence interpretation is “separate from that measured by standard tests of working memory.” Meaning that there is more to sentence interpretation than what we had known it to be and that is starkly different from the one we viewed it ordinarily in our day-to-day working memory.
It also made mention of many operations like acoustic-phonetic conversion, lexical access, recognition of “intonatial” contours and determination of discourse level semantic values. In laymen’s point of view it changes the landscape of literacy from the simple read, write, speak, count but also with differentiating and being aware of changes in intonation, literary undertones from thought to rhymes. But as it was pointed out these are in fact, natural and unconscious to individuals simply just like watching a concert and being keen with the action and the lines.
It goes to add that there was a part in the brain known as the perisylvian association cortex which is critical “for all language interpretive functions.” In this case, future studies which may have something to do in this field might focus this specific part in our gray matter to uncover wonders in our brains.
It should be noted lastly that working environment misses this point instead thought of extrinsic matters to counter undone work loads and piles. Belated will be the realization when a single sentence was erroneously transmitted due to unheeded calls in this discipline to somehow be aware of matters concerning the working memory and comprehension, and even interpretation central to sentence structure and word organization.
Reference: Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Completion, Caplan, D. and Waters, G., The Journal of Neuroscience (1999)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
10 things Noynoy Aquino should do in first 100 days in office

Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III will occupy the highest post in the Philippines on June 2010. Being the chief executive, Aquino has to decide on major issues relevant to the country - its economy, public governance, state of affairs, health, education and security.
His predecessor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has led the country turbulently. She hurdled through many predicaments implicating her and her husband Mike Arroyo. Such predicaments were spawned by the scrapped NBN-ZTE broadband deal, fertilizer scam, and hello Garci which were believed to be beneficial to the Arroyos. The Philippine government, on the other hand, had to make do with episodes of allegations and controversies courtesy by the chief executive. Ordinary Filipinos, on the other hand also, had to make do with political fires virtually braving through dismal public service. Many upright citizens were disappointed for the entire term Arroyo has led.
Aquino, on his shoulders, were the legacy of his both parents and the credible mandate of the 90 million strong Filipinos. Before, rivals of the front-runner Aquino constantly claimed him as a know-nothing and had even managed to fabricate documents citing his mental condition. Now, Aquino has to disprove all the claims. Indeed, our country needs a president who can intelligently lead us away from mediocrity and into a first-world status long awaited.
On his first 100 days, Aquino, with all the fresh confidence of the private and public sector, can manage his executive post with cooperation; it is only up to him to take the lead in doing the reforms and other reforms he promised.
Demand the judiciary to prosecute the predecessor and the Ampatuans. The former for graft and corruption and the latter for a savage massacre of 57 rival supporters, relatives and including 30 members of the press. The oppressed Aquino during Marcos regime has also the opportunity to give justice to his fellow oppressed Filipino and to recover the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses. Their human rights violation must also be brought to court.
Facilitate the land distribution of Hacienda Luisita. Since the time of late former president Cory Aquino, the Hacienda Luisita is yet to be distributed to the sugar cane farmers who tilled the land. However a member of Cojuangco’s has signified its reluctance to distribute the land, citing considerations of its productivity. Aquino, therefore, has to seek the opportunity to turn things better for the farmers and to show that he can keep promises.
Scrap the pork barrel. Luminaries had cited the pork barrel as behind the rampant corruption of Congress and Senate representatives. To scrap it would significantly minimize corruption. If not, then Aquino has to review the system of pork barrel or to reduce its discretion.
Review the revenue and tax collection. There are no more better ways to invigorate the influx of revenue than to efficiently collect it is the ironic case in the Philippines where local offices of Bureau of Internal Revenue is known to collude with businesses. Related bureaus together with the BIR must also undergo a no-nonsense policy reform altogether under the Department of Finance and other related departments.
Ease power crisis. It is an encumbrance to every government if it fails to continuously provide electricity in a digital age. Clean source of energy must then be pinpointed and exploited for the good of the economy and the country as a whole.
Improve the education sector. A nation with majority of ignorant citizens can never move forward; a nation with majority of idealist and learned can. Upgrade the salary of teachers, build more classrooms consummate to the number actually needed, build libraries in all towns and museums in all provinces are the things most needed to sophisticatedly educate every child.
Upgrade health services. Hospitals must be equipped with up-to-date medical equipments needed to detect and cure illnesses and with medical personnel knowledgeable enough in his or her specific expertise. The access to hospitals and medications must also be provided democratically among indigents and the needy.
Address climate change head-on. This can be done by minimizing carbon footprints in very individual by formulating allowable footprints in all households, automobiles and workplaces. Promote responsible logging and mines extraction with reforestation and environmental compliance requirements in all logging and extraction activities. Ensure that the locality must directly and primarily be the benefactor of such activities
Quell insurgencies. All outlaws must be dealt with accordingly. Bandits criminally identified must be pursued at all cost. However, legal options must initially be opted in and by the armed forces. Intelligence must also be well-funded and well-equipped with high-end technology.
Ensure Food Security. Improve more the farm to market roads. Continue subsidizing farm goods, inputs, etc. Formulate pricing scheme in such a way that farmers will be encouraged to farm, and businesses to start venturing in the agriculture sector. Review entirely the archipelago and vast lands in order to come up with a plan to utilize its agricultural potentials.
It is his time to prove his worth after his term to show to his detractors that indeed the Aquino brand of public service is the most righteous and now, the most effective brand of public service – the most exemplary and so different from the brand Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has shown to the people.
The better time to start these is in his first days in office. His cabinet members who are also holding department executive post must also take his marching orders seriously for the Filipino people.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Legacy of Paper Bags

Just when we thought Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is to step down come June 2010, she isn’t. She is just to slide down instead. The last day of filing of COC’s has been subjected to scrutiny, ridicule, and intrigues when Arroyo, a native of a town in Pampanga, has filed her COC, signifying her intent to run as representative for the 2nd district of the said province.
Her stint as the president is when the Constitution of the Republic has been repeatedly tried by circumvention, elusion and bypass. It should be noted at how she filled the Supreme Court with justices in such a manner that when asked to produce a decision, the latter would produce one favorable to Ms. Arroyo and her peers. Likewise, note how she filled the Office of the Ombudsman with her husband’s classmate so that any impeachment complaints implicating the former would not come any closer.
On one hand, Ms. Arroyo has successfully avoided the recession and is successful in keeping the Philippines afloat. To illustrate, our country is now a top destination for Business Process Outsourcing; its tourism industry is significantly growing; and urbanization is swinging in strides. No doubt that she is successful in leading the country full-steam ahead in economy.
However, in order to maintain her position despite of alleged stolen presidency last 2004 elections as shown veritably by Hello Garci (a voice-recorded wiretapped conversation between Ms. Arroyo and the then COMELEC Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano. The latter assuring Ms. Arroyo a landslide victory in Maguindanao) and by the recent discovery of electoral frauds in Maguindanao by the Ampatuans and their followers, she was reportedly giving away paper bags with contents as big as P500,000 in order to shield her from impeachment attempts in the House and some Judiciary and Legislative bodies. This allegation was made veritable by the priest-turned-governor Ed Panlilio of Pampanga and by the tell-all account of former House Speaker Jose De Venecia.
From then on, Ms. Arroyo has become generous and kind to congressmen and her allies; and has become cruel, cheapskate and unkind to whistle-blowers, honest, noble men and women and even members of the press.
As she is optimistic in providing Filipinos with jobs and economic opportunities, Ms. Arroyo is a known diplomatic visitor in many countries including Japan, United States, and in Middle East. On her way home, there were opportunities from abroad for economic uplifting for the country and Filipinos.
However, her way there and her stay there were constantly suspected of lavish spending and ostentatious display, as shown by Le Cirque dinners with junkets. During Ms. Arroyo’s meeting with US President Barack Obama, remember how Senator Lito Lapid would only wish one thing: to have a photo-op with the US president. Power rewards, absolute power rewards absolutely in her time indeed.
Last November 23 2009, 57 unarmed and helpless were massacred in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao including 30 media workers. All pieces of evidence and witnesses point their fingers to the son of the Ampatuan patriarch. A close ally to the president and who really delivers, the Ampatuan patriarch and the accused Andal Ampatuan Jr who is responsible for the killing of the relatives and supporter of Esmael “Toto” Mangudadatu are reportedly enjoying a VIP treatment. Even a Malacanang spokesperson issued a statement that the alliance of Ms. Arroyo and the Ampatuans “wasn’t strained just because they were implicated.”
And the wheels of justice seem not rolling as prompt as expected. A crime so heinous, only a beast can commit is handled with kid gloves. The bombast and military bravado brought upon by the state of emergency and martial law were reduced to a tokenistic show of force.
And talk about an air-conditioned hummer with a presidential seal inside the Ampatuans carpark or having Jovito Palparan congratulated in a SONA: culture of impunity, a shared legacy of the present dispensation.
To The Stars We Aspire
His plan is quite simple. He’ll ask his grandfather if the chick clutched in his two bare hands at his back is either dead or alive. If his grandfather will say alive, the boy will squeeze the chick until it will die. If otherwise, the boy will show it alive.
“Lo, I have a new-born chick in my back.” The boy said while gently clutching it. “Guess whether this chick is either alive or dead.”
“Apo” the grandfather said “Its dear life and future is in your hands.” The grandfather replied.
While it is likely that we have the chance to live a comfortable life tomorrow and for our future family, this chance requires pure and manual labor. Suffice to say that Filipinos are hoping to land a job but still languished to have even one of the macro- skills. What is certain in this dire situation is they’ll have a slim chance to outdo their lives. And those people end up being, well: peddlers, vendors and beggars. Worst is that – It makes the economy sick, since after all, it belongs to what we called underground economy.
Here in Philippines, we do have multitudes of men and women and, yes- babies. As some writers may say, this made the Philippines more advantageous than, say Germany where the population is depleting. My reaction is, but be humored with this. Don’t they know that Germany is far progressive than Philippines?
Then officials may say that the Philippines is exporting hundreds of OFWs a day. And, yes it is true that with the remittances these OFWs are sending, our economy is – thanks be to God – keep on floating. But on the other hand, we are only breeding disgust and we are only emulating the value of escapism.
That’s a very long story though and requires another column. That’s why I’ll make it closer and shorter for the love of my readers.
As what we know, many graduates hurdle to land in already cramp and few job offerings. In other words, the number of graduates far outnumbered the jobs offered. This dire situation calls for awakening among students who are fallen victims of vicious cycles, although have high grades due to rote memorization yet forgetting what they learned after a day or two. Once again, this calls for a modern- day Gautama to help us look for the Nirvana, since after all; there are more to education than meets the eye. Nevertheless, we have what we called learning to learn or meta- cognition. Unfortunately, it is rarely taught to most of us. What is the reason? That, I don’t know. Well, probably, for some teachers it is the bitter pill to swallow since it is doubly strenuous to teach both. Alas, teachers are difficult to understand nowadays.
Another thing, learning to read comprehensively requires an art and, yes- love and devotion. Sad to say, only ourselves can be relied around-the-clock upon learning this. What deeply saddened me is that I heard a lot complaining when they read, when after all; it is one of the greater luxuries the world has to offer. The likes of Somerset Holmes and Rudyard Kipling are known to travel, read a lot and write afterwards, and no more. As if traveling, reading and writing are, well – luxuries these two writers are doing.
Furthermore, there are students whose wicks are starting to flame but their teachers who are the ones who should fuel it up, extinguishes it instead. Peculiar I should say. A senior professor is making you grow older as she is. A middle- aged one is talking about the principles and doing the otherwise. A teacher starter attends to his class always tardy, as if, coming-late-in-class is the name of the game.
Upbringing, therefore, has to be a one- man battle. Your classmates and friends are soldiers of their own. If you bite the dust your friends won’t share it with you. If you became the victor then you exceeded your grasp and the heaven will join with you. J.R.R. Tolkien shared us a piece of advice in a song (read THE HOBBIT by J.R.R. Tolkien).
“Far over misty mountains cold,
To dungeons deep and caverns old,
We must away, ere break of day,
To seek the pale enchanted gold”
Will you go for the gold? Will you fly like the eagle or be contented in walking like turkey? The choice is yours to make.
In Need of Educators
Teachers’ Education Institutions, ours for one, produce dozens of education graduates and still counting. To illustrate, the Education and Teacher Training Department boasts of its huge population. As a result, the number of education graduates is bigger than the number of graduates of other courses as this has rippling effect, year after year.
Due to the lack of this oversight, the population of education graduates who weren’t able to land any teaching positions is getting huge. Although a confluence of factors is responsible for the dismal employment track – such as the slow progress of the education system worsen by the increasing of drop out incidence – we can’t deny that institutions which are responsible for schooling soon-to-be-teachers are responsible for the increase in unemployed or mis-employed of education graduates. It is an inherent culpability of an institution if it fails to assure its graduates of any job opportunities.
High school graduates, and their fate, in our province are also partly to blame. After they graduated in high school, these, who are soon to be college graduates, had recklessly chosen education courses, not due to unguided choice but merely due to its accessibility and affordability.
It is appalling to note how the education graduates and even graduates from other courses landed jobs not related to their field of specialization but nevertheless had provided the workplace the skills and competency. It is more appalling to note at how one would feel a deep remorse in the fate he has squandered into. Recourse for such includes the slow acceptance of the kind and conditions of work and the eternal damnation of it.
Another thing so troubling with college students nowadays is their lack of foundation, poor nature and lack of nurture. But we just don’t know when the luck would tide in their favor, more like of a rags-to-riches and stupid-to-brilliant story indeed, which is so common because of the hope it promises to the people.
In our part as students we need to deeply contemplate this: Am I worthy to be an educator? Do I have more knowledge than my prospective students? Can I share it to them? Or better store the knowledge in me and be a physicist, astronomer or physician instead? Better yet, is the salary the teacher will receive enough to help each and every member of my family and extended relatives who were in dire need? Am I innately selfless? Am I a principled man? Am I strategic in my ways and means?
There would be many ideas to implore before we will tread the path of teaching, the work of no takings. And we need to be honest.
Automated or Automatic Election
The Commission on Elections is mandated to conduct elections, a credible and a transparent one. With Republic Act 9369, the COMELEC – this May 2010 – will be conducting an automated one.
The winning bidder – in a public bidding conducted by the COMELEC to provide the equipment to be used for this election – is the Smartmatic-TIM of Holland. The automation by Smartmatic-TIM amounts to 11.3 billion of taxpayers’ money.
The PCOS machines – which were manufactured in Taiwan – will be fed upon with ballot papers by the voters after they cast the votes in the ballot paper. Here, the ballots will be counted and an election return is generated. Ballot papers are listed with all the candidates in alphabetical order from the national to local posts and party-list groups. At the left side of an entry is a circle which is to be shaded.
To accommodate all voters, the Comelec will close its doors 6 in the evening after which the result will be relayed to the Comelec central office, watchdogs, political parties, etc.
There seem to be no problems, supposedly. But there are various user errors which are risk factors. When the voter accidentally casts over votes in a position say senator, all the votes intended for senate positions will not be counted. When the voter recklessly feeds the ballot to the machine, the machine will not be able to properly scan the ballot paper and it would disenfranchise one’s right to vote. When the voter – due to his mishap – dog-ears the ballot, the machine will not accept the ballot and it would immediately disenfranchise the voter of his right to vote since he is entitled to only one ballot with no extra. This can lead to a neophyte shying away from voting.
There are also various software risks in this automation like any other operating systems. Who will secure the source code? If this will not be exposed to public scrutiny to ward off hackers, then who are only entitled to access the source code? How about the software as a whole, can’t it be susceptible to wholesale electronic fraud? The device itself must be scrutinized.
If a pilot test determines credibility, then we are sure that there will be no guarantees that this 2010 election will be credible. Last August 2008, the automated election conducted in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao revealed 23 common errors and other deficiencies. It led to the findings of Comelec Advisory Council that the COMELEC is technically ill-equipped.
More to that, if there can be a manual Garci then why there can’t be no online one? If guns and goons are the mutual nemesis of the people before, then it can be gold and genius now.
Knowing that the moral standard of present dispensation has nosedived to critical levels as made veritable by the disregard of propriety and rule of law the present administration has committed openly, we are at loss on how certain we are that this election will be credible. Add to that the miserable record of acceptance by the public towards the Commission on Elections’ credibility, integrity and honesty.
We Filipinos glossed too much convenience over honesty.
As he recounted his own past experiences and ours’, P-jay, a good friend of mine, burst to tears after he narrated the bitter memories of the sheer impoverished living in the countryside. Unfortunately, only the back of his hands was the only thing he found to wipe his effervescent flowing tears as he delivered his faint speech in the podium in the past four years.
And it was very shameful for him. As I figured it out, he forgot to bring a handkerchief not because he failed to anticipate the euphoria but maybe he had none ready for use.
A cousin, who attended as my lone companion and seated beside me told me to share my own handkerchief as the onset of the initial tear flowed. But of course, I let his euphoria to take the momentum; so I waited and initially refused.
Until such time, the memories directly implicated us all to the point that the 30 something high school graduates, including me, were also crying and men enough to let the emotional syndrome die down. Alas he kept on.
So I rose to stage and had given him my handkerchief which led to the instant adulation, for us both. And the rest were history. After the graduation as I rushed to home for the awaiting gathering and a simple handa, he returned the handkerchief as I boarded the vehicle.
This was how the constant reminder of mom since childhood, to always bring one, is of significance. And she has one more: to finish my studies.
Writing has been a cup of tea; and, reading too. With no study habit to wit, I am only an average numerical grade achiever. And I love my school organ and student body more than my degree. It is just that it is where I can take my citizenship as serious as Randy David’s.
I find it excruciating to read Math books and other content books which are replete with errors to varying degrees. And to memorize is my dose of litany.
On the other hand, I find it pleasing to read the Inquirer, in print and online; to always write for Palanca; and to speak of crucial issues. My words are maybe not from a divinity but at least a critical and real at that.
It is a Biblical belief that all are created equal. Of perseverance and determination, there is a possibility of having more, getting more and eventually of being more than anyone else. And there are some like me who would always take calculated risks and calculated effort. We ended up average or above it just to level the playing field: studies, to live pleasantly at a young age and just to seize the day.
Now, years after and by this March 2010, will be finally the graduation. I will be receiving my degree in Education. (Oops, I still have the practice teaching.)
Still, I am contented and happy. Never mind if I will not be a Valedictorian for as long as I can share my handkerchief to the Valedictorian.
Mining or Food?
Mining is not doing any good to the marginalized members of the society – that of indigenous people – but only the wealthy and, as it was said by the Working Group on Mining in the Philippines or WGMP, “corrupt officials”.
The WGMP sent British environmental experts to the Philippines to go over the impact of mining in the country and to give support to the local government and sectors who are advertently affected by the negative impacts of the Philippines. Robert Goodland who worked for the World Bank for 23 years; Clive Wicks who formerly worked for the Worldwide Fund for Nature and now- is the vice- chair of IUCN-CEESP; and Clare Short who is from the House of Commons, UK went to the Philippines last 2006 for a fact finding mission.
The said fact finding mission came up with the Fact-finding Mission to the Philippines Report sponsored by the CEESP (Commission on Environment, Economic and Social Policy) National University of Ireland Galway, Columban Faith and Justice, CAFOD, TRoCAIRE and PIPLINKS (Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links of which salient points are establish here.
Cost of doing business
One of their findings is the “deplorable record of human rights violation” which has led to the appalling militarization. They were surprised when one of the mining firms, the TVI mining company hired “169 armed security guards to block access of Subanon indigenous people to their ancestral domain”. And the King King Mine is found to be paying illegal protection money to terrorists and military groups approximately $2 million as “cost of doing business”. Records of this payment were presented to a Canadian Parliamentary committee in 2005.
It also cited reports that the use of intimidation against indigenous people in mining sites is widespread. One incident curtailed the life of a 70-year old Timuay Macario Salacao in a picket held to stop an equipment for the mining site in Canatuan.
Rampant corruption is also noted by the Transparency International in 2004. “John Ruggie, a representative from the Secretary General on the issue of Human Rights and Transnational Cooperations and Other Business Enterprises listed large scale corruption as one of the abuses typically associated with extractive industry”. Furthermore, they revealed international studies linking dependency on natural resources to corruption. In fact, it is said that 65 elite families benefited from the mining; but didn’t gave any details. Worst is, it deprived indigenous people and poor communities who rely on their living upon the forest and rivers
Environment, Judiciary
The judiciary seems to have been sitting on the cases of mining. On top of that, the law is often viewed as easily circumvented and a mere technicality. It seems though that the government has failed to comply with the environmental standards since they were not able to provide the community with adequate information to enable them to monitor mining firms’ compliance in environmental standards.
And to prove the point – that mining is not doing any good – a series of startling discoveries had found out by the WGMP. One of which is the Marcopper disaster wherein estimated “4 million of tailings slurry was spilled in Boac river” making it biologically dead and affecting 20,000 people. Issues on the biodiversity in the country is also throbbing the WGMP. It pointed out that mining under fault lines and downstream is affecting the people with water safety and poses high risk. Not to mention the food security which is the result of water contamination due to siltation of rivers potential for irrigation.
Attendance Sheet as Proof of Consent
The IPRA or Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (1997) and RA 7942 or Mining Act (1995) guarantee the indigenous people the right to Free, Prior, Informed, Consent (FPIC). But things aren’t working out well. It was observed that the NCIP or National Commission on Indigenous People abided with the companies. FPIC’s are denied to indigenous people. They are instead given propagandas that are coming from the mining firms and little information was given, forfeiting them with their rights. And “promises made during the negotiation would not be subsequently fulfilled.”
A report is also cited at Midsalip community where “attendance sheets at meetings with the company had been used as proof of consent”. And, as if FPIC’s are for sale, bags of rice and cash amounts are offered for exchange. During one of their discussions the WGMP found two common themes according to the indigenous people. First is that “…the companies lacked respect for their tradition and culture” and second, “…indigenous people relate to factionalism and misrepresentation.” These led for the discovery of the weaknesses of the IPRA which includes the “short timeframe allotted for consensus building in the Implementing Rules and Regulations”.
Persistent poverty not prosperity
It cited a report in Mindanao as attributed by the pollution caused by mining. “People are suffering form itching and skin rashes after washing with water or working in the rice fields”. Thus, nutrition level fell and worst is – that the “families can no longer afford health services”. Aside from the deaths caused by the collapse of tailings dams, it can also have disastrous long- term health effects. Not to discount is the HIV/AIDS the migrant male workers are sending in the country.
Alarmingly, companies are “proceeding to areas of armed conflict in Mindanao”, exacerbating the conflict. Thus, human rights abuses will escalate and militarization will once again increase.
Mining – as it was promoted by the government – is to alleviate poverty. But evidences pointed out the contrary. It cited a report from the National Economic and Development Authority and Mines and Geosciences Bureau for 23 priority mining projects. Figures have shown that the annual cumulative revenue of $135M, “when incentives are factored in, the total revenues drop significantly, in some cases close to zero”. It also cited Oxfam study, hence “historic mining regions have become synonymous with persistent poverty not prosperity”.
Using the pieces of evidence gathered by the WGMP, they believed that: “large-scale, technologically sophisticated mining appears unlikely lo lead a job creation….; It seems clear that revenues to the state…will be substantially less than expected; …affected poor, indigenous communities on site and down stream will be worse off.”
Reference: Philippines: Mining or Food?, Dr. Goodland, R. and Wicks, C.M., CEESP, National University of Ireland Galway, Columban Faith and Justice, CAFOD, TRoCAIRE and PIPLINKS, (2008)
The Passing of the King of Pop and the Icon of democracy
At 50, on June 25, Gloved One, Wacko Jacko, Peter Pan, or simply, MJ has finally made real his wish to stay young forever doing the moonwalk but in heaven – with no hyperbaric chambers nor cosmetics surgery – but with endless joy of singing songs more than “Man in the Mirror”, “We are the World” and “You Are Not Alone”. He was pronounced dead at
Michael Jackson was supposedly to restore his legacy by doing a series of 50 concerts starting July 13 at
Michael Jackson will be remembered as the feisty lead singer of the kids’ band
He was constantly battered by anomalies due to his irregular behavior. Most shocking of which was on 2002 at a hotel in
What were certain which killed Michael Jackson was a cocktail of drugs had eventually caused the cardiac arrest. What is uncertain though was either it has resulted from homicide – by doctors giving him the prescription of the drugs including a sleep inducer propofan – or not. His remains are finally laden in Forest Lawn Cemetery of Glendale on September 3, almost 10 weeks after his death. The Neverland Ranch and
A day before the king of pop died, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III rushed his mother, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino fondly known as Cory, to
Then the news went out. It was so hard to believe. “Our mother peacefully passed away at 3:18 AM., August 1, 2009, of cardio-respiratory arrest,” declared Noynoy Aquino after he was ushered by the hospital guards outside to give the announcement to awaiting members of the press.
Witnessed over the national television, the announcement sparked a national mourning which spilled over to the international community. Cory was known as the icon of democracy by her people power which toppled the Marcos dictator. The People Power revolution spawned similar uprisings in foreign countries including
Coming from affluent Cojuangcos and was schooled in Mount Saint Vincent College in New York, Cory after her husband was assassinated, accepted the challenge the people had kept on mounting. She eventually stood as opposition against Ferdinand Marcos in the snap elections for February of 1986. But after knowing of election fraud declaring the dictator as victor, Jaime Cardinal Sin the then head of the Roman Catholic Church, called the people to protest in the streets which led to a mounted four-day protest now known as People Power Movement.
During her burial August 5 at
The whole nation mourned for her passing. Even children who weren’t bore yet in the 80’s mourned for her and are almost aware of her contributions to the country. Rich and poor indeed came for Cory. Last August 4, 2009, the college organized a tribute and was silent – if it’s just for the simple offering than compared to her – for the country.
In our hearts, what we had felt will never easily wane.
Reference: Philippine Daily Inquirer Archives